Sunday, October 8, 2017

Jsonics 0.2.0-alpha Released

Jsonics 0.2.0-alpha Release

Jsonics 0.2.0-alpha contains a bunch of new features and gets us a lot closer to being ready for our first release.

New Features

The following new features are present in Jsonics 0.2.0-alpha

Ignore Support

.net properties and fields can be excluded from Json serialisation or deserialisation using the new Ignore attribute. Simply decorate the property with the Ignore attribute as follows:
public Person
    public int Age

Property Name Support

.net properties and fields can now have different names from their json counterparts to achieve this use the new Name attribute as follows:
public Person
    public int Age

.net Standard 2.0

Jsonics has been moved to .net Standard 2.0. This allows for a much broader api space and will be supported everywhere .net is.

.net Field support

Jsonics now supports .net fields as well as .net properties.
public Person
    public int Age;

Char support

Char support was missing in the last release and has now been added.

Decimal support

Decimal support was missing in the last release and has now been added.

Nuget Changes

The Jsonics.StrongName packages has been unlisted and will not get any further updates. The Jsonics package is now StrongNamed. However the assembly version will be frozen to the major version in order to remove the need for Binding redirects. The File Version and Package version will now follow SemVer 2.0 rules. It was necessary to remove the Jsonics.StrongName package to avoid the situation where two libraries have a dependency on on Jsonics one using the StrongName version and one using the standard version.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed support from primitive list and array types other than int and string

Whats Next?

The road to 1.0 will continue with the addition of the following features which will be included in the 0.3 release:
  • Custom converter support
  • IList support

How do I get it?

Jsonics is available on Nuget in here

The code is available on github here under the MIT license.

Jsonics is currently in alpha quality and should not be used for production code. However feel free to try it out and report any issues you have with it.

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